Hello, Nice to Meet You!

My name is Madison, but everyone just calls me Madi. Ever since I was a little girl I've had a passion for the art of photography. As a small child I LOVED messing around with my grandfathers camera. It didn't matter if it was a flower, a cool rock, a cloud in the sky, or a really cute dog. I was OBSESSED. My Grandpa and I were very close and he was a huge influence in my life, so much so that I decided to name my business after him. Madi "D" for Daniel.

Award Winning Images

In my first year of photography school I had entered this print into a print competition. This image is named "On The Prowl" and won first place in the Ridgewater Photo Competition.

College Internship

In the Ridgewater Photography Program students are required to intern with a professional Photographer for one whole month. This gives the students some real life field experience before they graduate.

In October of 2017 I decided I wanted to do my internship in a place that I have always dreamed of venturing to, Alaska. I learned many things from my mentor Vanessa Powell, a middle school art teacher located in Wasilla, AK. Vanessa is a kind woman who also owns her own Photography business. She mainly works with high school seniors to provide them with images that best captures the students personalities and interest. She truly is a great teacher and mentor.

I will always be extremely grateful for my time spent in Alaska. It was a life changing experience and I one day hope to return to visit my friends who became family in the small town Wasilla.

What Am I Up To Now?

School Life

After graduation from the photography program at Ridgewater, I decided to continue my schooling. I am currently working towards my degree in art education.

It wasn't until after I became a paraprofessional in Willmar, Minnesota that I decided I wanted to become an art teacher; just like my mentor Vanessa.

My Gypsy Soul

Since returning from my internship, I've gotten the opportunity to travel to a few new destinations for photography related business such as New York, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, and many other states.

Wherever you are located, I will ALWAYS say 'Yes' to Adventure.


I've always like to consider myself a very 'Down to Earth' kind of person. I enjoy being outdoors in nature, long boarding, collecting vinyl records, and spending time with loved ones.

Some more obvious interest of mine include creating art and taking photos of people, nature, and animals... oooh and coffee! ;)


Rissa & jesse

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"Madi will forever be our family's go-to photographer. Maternity shoots make a perfect keep sake for each child. Madi D Photography definitely didn't disappoint! She made me feel so comfortable in my own skin and helped me bring out my more creative side. Even with the hiccup of our location spot being rained out, she was quick on her feet and already had a second location available. She captured genuine smiles and really brought our photo ideas to life."

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